Find Out If Sarcotropin
Treatment Is Right For You!
CALL US TODAY @ (713) 481-6844

Sarcotropin Treatment

If you are over 30 and you're starting to see the signs of your body changing including weight gain and decreased muscle mass you're not alone.  As we age, most people develop stubborn belly fat, lose endurance, vitality, and take on other signs of aging.  This condition is clinically known as Sarcopenia. But it doesn't have to be that way. Our Sarcotropin treatment is designed to battle not just the signs of aging, but also the way it makes you feel.

Sarcotropin is a pharmaceutical-grade peptide combination medical food that is used as an alternative to Human Growth Hormone (HGH) injections.  It’s a non-invasive and proven effective treatment for age-related symptoms including weight gain and muscle loss that stimulates the body’s production of growth hormone-releasing hormones (GHRH).

How it differs from (HGH) therapy is it addresses the main cause of decreasing GH by kick starting the pituitary gland to produce more growth hormone naturally instead of injecting into your body. By increasing GH levels in the body to 24 year old levels, the expected gains are more energy, weight loss, leaner muscle mass, and better sleep provided the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Sarcotropin Therapy

After large clinical trials, the efficacy of Sarcotropin treatments showed benefits to humans and deemed safe as a long-term treatment.  Here are the official benefits that were found:

  • Increases lean muscle mass*
  • Enhances cognitive function*
  • Improves sleep quality*
  • Encourages weight loss*
  • Accelerated healing*
  • Enriches sex drive*
  • Improved energy*

And, the good news is Sarcotropin doesn’t cost nearly as much as HGH therapy… and there are no needles. So, if you want the benefits of higher HGH in your system, if you’re tired of the over the counter HGH boosters that claim to be effective but are not, then maybe it’s time to feel and look younger with Sarcotropin treatment. To find out if it’s right for you, just call the number on the page and talk to one of our nurses about Sarcotropin treatment today.

Note:  Pictures on this site are not actual patients are stock representations due to HIPAA Guidelines.

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How To Schedule An Appointment

To schedule an appointment, please call us at (713) 481-6844.

Serving Houston, Austin and the Surrounding Areas!


Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Closed for Lunch 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.